时间: 2015-04-20 发布者: 文章来源: 计算机科学与技术学院 审核人: 浏览次数: 1032
The 8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM2015)
October 28-30, 2015, Chongqing, China
Website: http://ksem2015.swu.edu.cn/
KSEM 2015 is the eighth in this series, which builds on the success of seven events of International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management in Guilin, China (KSEM 2006); Melbourne, Australia (KSEM 2007); Vienna, Austria (KSEM 2009); Belfast, UK (KSEM 2010); Irvine, USA (KSEM 2011); Dalian, China (KSEM 2013) and Sibiu, Romania (KSEM 2014). The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as an LNAI and indexed by EI Compendex (pending final confirmation). Authors of selected high quality papers will be invited to expand their papers for possible inclusion in SCI-indexed international journals, e.g., Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (Impact Factor: 4.667).

The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to provide a forum for researchers in the broad areas of knowledge science, knowledge engineering, and knowledge management to exchange ideas and to report state of the art research results. The theme of KSEM 2015 is on how Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management contribute to Big Data Analytics. You are invited to submit papers that are original and not yet published.
* Knowledge Science
- Knowledge representation and reasoning   
- Logics of knowledge; formal analysis of knowledge; reasoning about knowledge
- Knowledge complexity and knowledge metrics
- Commonsense knowledge; nonmonotonic reasoning
- Uncertainty in knowledge (randomness, fuzziness, roughness, vagueness, etc.)
- Reasoning about knowledge in the presence of inconsistency, incompleteness, context-dependency, etc.
- Belief revision and update
- Cognitive foundations of knowledge
- Knowledge in complex systems (e.g. economical and quantum systems) 
- Game-theoretical aspects of knowledge; knowledge in multiagent systems
- Formal ontology
* Knowledge Engineering
- Knowledge and information extraction from databases and Web
- Knowledge discovery from very large databases
- Knowledge integration         
- Knowledge-based software engineering
- Knowledge-based systems in life sciences
- Conceptual modelling in knowledge-based systems
- Semantic database systems                      
- Semantic Web
- Content engineering                   
- Ontological engineering
- Implementation issues in KBS
* Knowledge Management
- Knowledge creation and acquisition      
- Knowledge verification and validation
- Knowledge dissemination   
- Knowledge management systems
- Organizational ontology       
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Organizational memory       
- Organizational learning
- Knowledge management strategies and practices
- Knowledge management applications
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: June 7, 2015
* Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2015
* Author registration: July 27, 2015
* Camera ready papers due: August 1, 2015
* Conference date: October 28-30,  2015
Paper Submission and Publication
Papers must be submitted electronically as a PDF file through EasyChair conference management system https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ksem2015.
***Paper Length and Format***
Submissions should not exceed twelve (12) pages including title page, references, and figures. They should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS instructions (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
***Conference Proceedings***
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as an LNAI and will be indexed by EI Compendex (pending final confirmation).
***Special Issues***
Authors of selected high quality papers will be invited to expand their papers for possible inclusion in SCI-indexed international journals, e.g., Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (Impact Factor: 4.667).